This is more like a diary. There isn't anyone who actually reads these I hope. In continuing with that explanation, what is up with dat? Quite the past two days actually. Last night at CRU I really had planned on asking a girl out on a date. What happened? Succinctly I just didn't follow through. I was on the verge of asking and well this girl's ride was leaving. Not a problem I would see them later at Rosa's however she said she wasn't going to the preverbial afters this evening because she had some writing of papers to do. What is up with dat? Yeah so I go to Rosa's yesterday and go to play cards after that with some friends as usual. As I'm pulling up I park behind a car it has a bumper sticker that says "you can't be catholic and be pro-abortion." Funny, I thought I didn't know any Catholics that played cards with us. When I walked in there were some new people, and yes, one of them was indeed Catholic. Not bad I used to be Catholic now I'm just catholic.
So we finish our game and just start chatting, Delese had a computer virus problem and asked for assistance. Jon couldn't help out too much so I added some cleaning programs and spent all of 20 minutes cleaning. Not sure how but we started talking about Catholocism, and I know a lot about the subject being a former. The current Catholic (Amy) wasn't frustrated with me but I asked some insightful questions and explained to her the Protestant side. She is still growing in her Catholic faith and is doing decently compared to most non-religious Catholics. I felt sorrow for her because there were 4 other people chiming in attacking her faith and her beliefs. She was at a huge disadvantage not being able to answer everyone's objections. I almost wanted to defend her faith to defend her. I moderated and we had open discussion for a few hours. A few dropped off and it was just her and I discussing the issues. We briefly discussed Mary, Saints, Heaven, Purgatory, Forgiveness of Sins, Christ's Sacrifice, the Apocrypha, Indulgences, the Reformation, the Crusades, the Papacy, the Eucharist, Sonship, Adoption, Redemption, Works, Deeds, etc. Pretty much she had told me she never questioned her faith and I am thinking she might not ever. She will only attend Catholicism 101 and learn how defend her faith. This however, is not a growing in Christ, but only in knowledge related to Christian things. I had a lot to say and she was just hoping I would return to the much "beloved" Church. Eh....regardless I was up until a little after 5 am because of that fiasco.
I wake up at 9:00, missing prayer breakfast which was at 7:00, and decide to sleep through my only class. I wake up at 2 pm and start laundry and the dishes.
At about 3 pm I make a decision that I really do want to go on a date. So I make a call to a different girl that I went on a creative date with previously. I've got to act quick though frisbee starts at 3:30 and I need to make a decision of whether to ask or not. Eh....the benefits would be good because of a date opportunity, but I already expect to be turned down because its just so late to ask a girl on a date. I break down in a mindless operation I pull out my phone and dial the first 3 numbers and now I'm stuck. I just finish the number out and hope I get a voicemail box. 3 rings and I'm ready for the automatic voice and ....yeah she answers.
Her "Hello"
Me "Hi is this______?, this is Curtis from ____"
Her "yes how are you Curtis?
Me "I'm fine, hey I had a free evening would you be able to go on a date with me tonight? ---I know its quite a late time to ask. We could go out to dinner about 7:30 and then skating afterwards; the skating being loosely affilited with my church. "
Her "I'm sorry, I can't, I'm having a sleepover with my Bible study at my house this evening."
Me "That's fine I understand I'll probably just catch the Basketball game tonight with some guys."
Crap! that stinks I really did want to go on a date. I go to frisbee and call up Mark about the game. He won't be out of work until later so I ask a friend if he wants to go with me and hang out. He agrees, I call another guy that we can meet up with and a few others so I loosely have some other people to go with. I walk over with the friend I invited and see another friend in line a few people behind us. I don't bother calling anyone deciding I'll just sit with that group. Not a bad idea the line picks up and we find some seats. Game is going on and I see Sam and Dustin grab some seats a few rows down and over a section. I think about going to talk to him during half but decide I'll see him afterwards. So the game ends 119-55 Tech, pretty sweet. Plus a guy won a big-screen flat tv during half-time by making a half-court shot. I'm on my way over to see if they are doing anything seeing its still before 9 pm. It ends up beside them are some other mutual friends including ______, yes _______ from the phone conversation. What's up with Dat? I don't say much to her I'm feeling a bit sheepish for the "rejection." However its mutual friends so we all go to Jason's Deli. Amid this one of the mutual friends is playing with _____'s hair and he even brought her an ice cream. She refused the ice cream but man then I felt really sheepish, here some other guy is hitting on her. Its now a pitiful 10 pm and everyone decides to play poker. What's up with Dat? mixed company never decides on playing poker? Oh-well so its at the guy's house who was hitting on _______. Ten of us show up and another five also shows up, more mutual friends good deal. We sit around and chit-chat all harmless banter.
The bad thing is Southcrest is having another function for Internationals tomorrow and I will most likely see ______ again. So I'll talk to her but I'm not going to bring up the "rejection."
Man that stinks, I should have just asked the girl at CRU that had to write the papers.
All in all good evening. I laugh now, but that was awkward seeing this lie in person. I give dating or even trying to is just too plain hard. What's up with Dat?

Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 1:13 AM
What's up with Dat?
Th. said...
If you really don't want anyone to see, you can make it invisible. Otherwise, there's always that chance.....
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