Here I sit, I've been sitting here for about 8 hours if you count yesterday you can just double that number. How could I sit in the same place for such a long period pushing buttons for enjoyment? I don't know if I did I unfortunately wouldn't be writing this, I'd be off doing something adventurous and perhaps dangerous. Its Friday and school is over. Its been over now a week for me and yesterday was just "dead day"- the day of no classes. A lot of my friends have been studying like crazy preparing for finals. This is not me nor is it ever but especially now. Simply put, I have no finals. My grades were so terrible it qualified me to skip taking these tests which would surely have lowered my grades some more. Well not exactly again I'm just being faceitous I just don't have finals, don't ask me why.
I have a wonderful subscription to Real Rhapsody, yes that's a dumb name. However, its a pretty good service, it lets me stream music of many different artists and listen to songs much as a Kazaa would except its legal. More to the point and of course it has to do with women. I was listening to a country song, not my usual choice but I've listened to hours of everything else and it just seemed that was something new, and I might be on to something. I would prefer not to be told any different from my opinion so if you are a women reading this please don't correct mis-information. So I'm listening to country song by the banned "Dixie Chicks," hey its good music, but its about a man and a woman in a relationship of sorts. Well he'll be gone a lot and she will still love him. Not too big a deal but they just met and the next day he'll be gone. All this smooth talking guy did is asked her to sit with him and some pity story that he doesn't have anyone to write home to. She bought it and fell in love with this guy. She ends up vowing her life to this guy and saying she will never even hold the hand of another guy after she finds out he died. Eh.. so I'm thinking is it that easy? Are single women so starved for attention and affection that they will drop at a whim to be with a man? I guess that's the sort of stuff that makes a good song but never works in reality.

Friday, December 10, 2004 at 7:55 AM
Nothing as Usual
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