I guess in a way we are all homeless. And in many other respects Christians in general are Homesick or should be. My home as I would call it growing up was in Amarillo. When I'm in Amarillo I might drive by it to revive a memory but my family no longer lives there. There's also the saying that home is where the heart is, for me maybe that's South Carolina, my friend its the Northeast. But in reality even the home I live in now is not my own, I rent a bedroom of it basically. My dad moved to Houston whilst I was in college so now my home is supposedly South Houston. I've lived in Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas but my home is in Heaven. So the title of this post was originally Homeless? now its just Home? But I wanted to talk about the homeless a bit.
About 4 years ago I decided that if I ended up homeless then I'd be alright with that. I don't think I'd be homeless for longer than 6 months but then again I've never been homeless so I don't know what its like. Then when I was a freshmen I read an article put out by a Christian magazine for youth about a program college students in Seattle do. Its called Urban Plunge and for a few days regular students don some beat up clothes and make it through on an allowance of $2 homeless. They have no food and are dropped off in random parts of the city via a van. I wanted to do it to see how it goes but never was really motivated. Apparently many colleges have similar events. here's some links:
I'm not really going anywhere specific with this post, but I'd like to stay out some weekend coming up see how it is being homeless for a few days. Society forgets about you and even shuns you like the lepers of old. The real homeless pick up on it that you aren't like them.
One thing I wanted to mention though is that Christ would have been around the homeless lepers and that we, in a sense, without Christ are also homeless. How easy it would be for Christ to look at us and say, "I won't give anything to him; look at what he's done with his life, he's wasted it, and now he is looking for a handout. If I offered him money he'd probably squander it." Oh Christ is love though and how I love Him for that.
Dear Lord I pray for the homeless today and that you would offer them hope. I pray that Christians would take them in and offer them food and shelter. You sacrificed your life to give me a home in heaven, break my heart and humble me. I've taken pride and refuge in owning possessions. I've taken it for granted that I eat while millions are starving for bread as well as the Bread of Life. That while I drink many are without clean water and without your cup which overflows with blessings. Your love is for all peoples everywhere help me to love as you love. Help me sacrifice as you sacrificed use my life to be a blessing to others. Lord I love you.

Saturday, April 09, 2005 at 7:07 AM
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