Again wow my fantasy baseball team is getting smashed. I'm in a league with Dusty, Nate, Nathan and some other guys related to Southcrest. The score this week was 8-1 so far some relief will come tonight as I have 4 pitchers starting. R. Bell having an ERA of 67 didn't really help my team out too much considering the avg ERA for my pitchers is around 3.5.
I've been listening to music for a ridiculous large amount of the past month. Seriously if you can match the intensity of my music listening abilities I'd like to see you try. Here are the songs I'm listening to as of late. Well its too many to type out but the new Lifehouse CD (Lifehouse, Stanley Climbfall), Watermark (Constant, Watermark, The Purest Place, All Things New), MercyMe (Spoken For, Almost There) , Relient K (Mmhmmm, Two Lefts Don't Make a Right But Three Do), Passion Worship Band (How Great is Our God, Passion 05, Hymns Ancient & Modern), Stavesacre (Speakeasy), Jars of Clay (Redemption Songs, Who We are Instead), Point of Grace (I Choose You), Jack Johnson (In Between Dreams), Oasis (What's the Story Morning Glory?), Foo Fighters (One by One, There is Nothing Left to Lose), Holland (Photographs and Tidalwaves), Iron and Wine (Our Endless Numbered Days), The Postal Service (Give Up).
I've listened to the above at least 4 times for some titles and others about 15, no lie.
I haven't talked to either of my parents in about a month I wonder if they are doing alright.
I went to one of the last Bible studies of the semester this past evening at the Hubiks house. I enjoyed Drew's leading and will undoubtedly miss having him and Jordan around.
I received my second support letter from friends and am still expecting at least 2 more possibly 5. So me knowing I only make $1200 a month have some decisions and prayers to make accordingly. Perhaps I could send out my own support letters to support others. I truly do want to help out as much as possibly financially plausible given every aspect of the situation I'm currently in. Student loan collectors start mailing me next month and I already have a small portion of debt on my credit card ($1300) and a small car loan ($3000). So yes unfortunately the only way I can show my financial situation is in the form of a small check to each of the people I plan on supporting. But then I feel bad and they feel like I gilted them. So I'm going to wait for all the letters to come my way and start collecting my funds. And then added on to this I feel really bad for having lost a bit of money I planned on giving to online poker.
I was up $75 and cashed out I rebought the next day for $50 and succinctly lost it, waited another day bought $50 and slowly lost it. So yes I'm frustrated with myself for my financial decisions. So the best idea is to find a "real" job where income is more than $1200 a month. This is probably living below the poverty line in America. A side note on poker, I'm still up for the year a few hundred dollars, this however was the worst setback I've incurred to date and it only amounted to a net loss of around $25. Still severely disappointed though I am.
About a real job. I started a profile on and very soon will start seriously looking for a job. I need to develop a basic cover letter that I can adapt to different employers and do a better job at selling myself which currently I suck at. I like the facts and the fact is my GPA sucked and I could have worked harder in school. I let down Tech and myself however I will work my butt off if ever I get a "real" job. I work tremendously hard for my current employer United but they can't afford to pay me a higher wage. Also I don't have a clue about accounting which is what I graduated with, I'm a lost cause. Basically put these things are a barrier to employment, I had too many misconceptions about school and now its over.
Umm...anything else I've been thinking about? Oh I'm at a loss as to what to do when I meet with Victor. We are supposedly supposed to meet for accountability but if we aren't there to discuss our former sin nature and its effect on us still then I'm not sure what to talk about. I already go to a Bible study I need someone to hold me accountable for the sins I commit and ask me some tough questions accordingly. So yeah that's about it.
I need to set up a time to talk with a co-worker Alex, he's going out of town this weekend but maybe on Thurday afternoon I can meet him for lunch.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 5:00 AM
More life
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