As you two know I have been in Hawaii since October. The first weekend I was here I walked across the street and down a block to the chapel. The preacher read to a handful of people including myself a simple message. Nothing was spectacular in fact it was very plain maybe lacking. However it was too much for me. The message, the music, the worship, the people...I could not take it all in. I was 2000 miles from home and church and I was lost. I would have to find a new home and new church but this was not it. It was too different too fast.
You two also know I came from a great "college" church. I can't say I am looking for a college church as I am no longer in college. I would like to find a church though with some people my age, people I can relate with, share with, and grow with. It must sound incredibly selfish and I admit it is.
Last week I visited Nuuanu Baptist Church. It was a 30 minute drive downtown. The church was nice, the people were nice. They even have a Chinese service. I was sitting outside waiting for the English service to start when they were singing in Chinese it was, needless to say, beautiful. This week I went to a church much closer to home, it is called Mililani Baptist Church. It was much smaller and I was glad I took a friend this time. It was definitely not what we were looking for. Next week we plan to head farther south into Honolulu in search of a large church in which to worship. I want a church that I love and will be passionate about. A few wednesdays I visited yet another church, its Bible believing with a bit of pentecostalism attached. I had the opportunity to hear a guest pastor the first time I went. Its an option.
Alas I am not a fan of visiting churches I would like to find one quickly, people latch onto you at the churches and its kind of creepy.

Monday, November 14, 2005 at 1:45 AM
Church Hunting
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