I've sat through emotional type movies and not been moved but sometimes your mood as well as surroundings and situations lead up to a wellspring of emotions. These last few days I must have found the well. Things started to click you start to see yourself in the movie, feeling their pain, their frustrations, hurts, loves and sometimes joy. You place the ones you love and care for most in the picture as well. It could be a past event that triggers you or a place where you see yourself headed. You become so entangled with the plot you feel yourself pleading for your life and the ones that you love. Maybe its the parallels you see betwixt the characters portrayed and the struggles in your own life, whatever it is it just happens sometimes and this was one of those times. This is one of the times where you learn about life.
The two movies were relatively similar in their plots of overthrown governments and a now war-torn nation bent on ethnic cleansing. The first I watched wasn't much of a tear jerker but something stirred inside me; an affinity for those who are perishing. The reality that I am safe and free and feel no pain. The fact that I should feel for those who go hungry everyday and those who are spiritually lost, but I don't. This is what hurts the most, the pain I should feel isn't there. As one line went "Yes the Americans will see this and say 'Oh God that's terrible' and go back to eating their dinner." I thought about that a great deal because down the road of life I plan to move overseas and become a missionary. The government would indeed rescue me as an American if ever there was great political turmoil, but could I leave for safety knowing those I love will not see peace. What price would I pay to keep my (future) wife and family safe. I'd most certainly give my life to spare theirs but what would I give for my neighbor or my neighbor's children. I can't say I'd do the right thing, I'd hope I would.
Whatever this may mean to you I suggest you find a just cause and truly believe in it and give of yourself to support it. Two movies worth seeing "The Interpreter" and "Hotel Rwanda." I rented one more movie not worth mentioning and watched the other at the movie in the theatre. They were alright for enjoyment but not worthy to be listed here.

stunz.blogspot.com/ August 24th, found this looking for my picture.