OH yeah..!?
Things are falling into place as I figured they would. I have been doing this job for about 4 months now and I know I am going to get a lot out of it. Before I move to Hawaii though I still need to get my ducks in a row. I'd like the government to move my car and some belongings over so I don't have to pay for it out of pocket. If that is the case my car definitely isn't crossing the Pacific. Other than that work at the recruiting office is about to end and I'll have uber-free time. For some reason money was a little tight starting out this month, it'll get better tomorrow when I get paid but I must have had some brain fart concerning my expenses. When I arrive in Hawaii a few more things will start coming together. I'll receive the first portion of my bonus which will pay off the small balance of my credit card and the remainder of my car loan. Then I can start putting my money to work for me; mutual funds, IRAs, etc. I'd also like to start knocking out some college for my Masters degree though. I can take 2 classes a semester I believe correspondence with certain universities. Even if I can only take one class its still a good deal when you're not paying for it. Well I still have 2 weeks in Texas to enjoy, speaking of I'm out.

Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 3:10 PM
What Summer?
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