Two nights ago on Wednesday at about 10 pm I was waking up to play some poker. I had a full day planned of playing poker, well actually only 3/4 of a full day (18 hours). When I was taking my shower Matt was trying to explain something to me. After I got out he said that our neighbor had been murdered. There were tons of cop cars and an ambulance along with some police tape. It was a crime scene basically. We didn't know the guy but that didn't stop the reporters from ringing our door bell and asking us questions on Thursday. By far the best though was when Officer Martinez talked to my roommate and I. He was a detective and I made sure I asked "So you are a real detective aren't you?" I was impressed he took down some statements to solve this murder mystery but I know we were of no help. Besides him though there were people from the AJ, and at least 3 news stations that asked us interview questions and such. His name was Rex and he lived two houses down and he was shot multiple times in the head and chest. We live at 2311 60th and his was 2307. Well below are some pictures of the house. So its a link because the pictures aren't posting correctly
reporter's interview station right outside of house
the house two door's down
well that's all for this post. Oh and I won the bonus I was playing for receiving first place winning $200.

Friday, April 22, 2005 at 3:00 PM
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