Note: I neither condone or oppose playing poker, especially online. However personally I have no qualms about playing.
I play every now and again and a year ago started playing online. As most new poker fish I was eaten by the sharks. Now a year later I can turn a profit on my playing. Hence I get two valuable things: 1. enjoyment 2. a few extra dollars. This is not always the case as I could play tomorrow and lose $30, but overall I make small gains.
I play at Pacific Poker and they on occasion have promotions, one such promotion is the Poker ShowDown. For this event for every hand that you make it to the "ShowDown" you receive points. The ShowDown is the time when you see what everyone has to decide who wins the pot. Most of the time you fold before the final cards are shown unless you think you will win. Well I decided to participate in this event.
Here's the top ten:
Showdown Survivor 3; November 7, 00:00 - 18:00 PPT
Rank Player Country Points to Lead
1 Curtis TX, United States 0
2 Jose Fe. Mexico 14
3 Donald An. UT, United States 74
4 Benny St. Belgium 86
5 Catalin Ba. Romania 112
6 Gerou El. Belgium 112
7 Mark Ma. NM, United States 124
8 Sam Lo. NY, United States 126
9 Corinne Bu. Canada 128
10 Jim Do. United Kingdom 130
I did finish 1st and won a bonus of $200. Its not much considering I wasted 18 hours pushing buttons but I enjoyed the victory of it nonetheless.