About six months ago I started losing chunks of hair, I thought this was a temporary thing and that it would be replaced in time. The assumptions I had proved to be wrong as my superiors mandate how long our hair can be. One of the firts things that happens at Basic training is you lose your hair. Everyone starts looking the same which is what they want, but I was under the impression I could grow it out to about an inch in length when it was over. Well this happens not to be the case and I recently had the longest hair in the company of 45. I got called names like "hippie" it was very degrading. Here is a picture at it longest.

So with the support of those in charge and the help of a friend I cut my own hair to standard. I used the tool below.

I'm not sure if this is okay but I think it looks dumb anyways.

the next picture is not for the faint of heart.
a former part of me, the damage.

the product.

I think I'll put a Nike Check in it next week.

end. curtis