Its before 7am right now and I'm already off work. This is the exception rather than the rule. I'm not complaining now because I kind of like getting a break every once in a while. Usually work is a hectic environment with tons to do. I threw 70 cases today in about 45 minutes. 70 cases? that's nothing. We had seven people, yes seven people working this evening. Tonight when I work there will only be 3. Oh well. However, I can't continue getting off early its killing my paycheck and therefore hurting me in the mid-term (cross between short and long).
About other jobs: I more or less am looking, it is turning out to be less though. I have had one interview and it went okay. I'm not a stand out candidate for a well paying position. I have barely passed each class these past few semesters. However, I know I can't keep stocking shelves for $9 an hour. The truth of the matter is I'm not looking very hard for a job though and I really don't know why I'm not. I know in January I'll be able to handle about 60 hours a week easily maybe 75. Actually I take that back. I might be sitting through another accounting class if I don't make a C or better, which would limit my working.
Speaking of. I'm about to graduate! No seriously. Get this I don't remember ever reading more than one chapter of a textbook. Since everything is always someone else's fault I will blame my first year college professors. Partly it could be my high school teachers saying how college will be SO much harder. Pshhh. Yeah right. The first year ruined me. I was a hard working student until that fateful fall semester 2001. Everything was retardedly easy, there were huge curves if not. I breezed through and effectively stopped studying....for anything. So fast forward two years and still no studying. I wish my high school teachers would have said that the 3rd year of college would be the hardest, I would've been ready. I try to explain to my dad that I'm not getting dumber or my study habits changing its just that the only people left in college are the smart ones. That is to say the dumb people couldn't handle the fire and were quickly consumed. The averages still remain at around 72 though. Let's say a college only accepts people who graduated in the top 50% of their class (pretty generous). Now in college the average in the classes are about 72%. So after two years of failing classes the people in the lower half drop out. We are now left with the top 50% of the 50% that made it to college. Add one more year (my junior year which is my 2nd year) and at the end another 10-15% fail and drop out of college. Now this is it, senior level classes and you are left with the hardest (not always the brightest) working students. Compound that with accounting being the second hardest business major and you are left with tough competition. Though professors say they don't hand out 'x' amount of As and 'x' amount of Bs they really do based on grade distribution according to the average 72% mark. As students take their basic accounting classes they trickle out into other majors in the business realm, i.e. ones that are less difficult. What this all boils down to is that this my senior year there are only the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the best Texas Tech has to offer. As for me I somehow got here but am not performing. I make average grades and sub-average grades currently. I am borderline passing, I'm straddling the fence and its not too comfortable feeling.
Wow, work and school in the same post. That's it for now.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 7:40 AM
Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 9:30 AM
This My Life?
This day the Lord has made. Give thanks and praise.
This is the beginning of the journey.
This is the beginning of the journey.
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