Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 4:26 AM
Putting Jesus Back in the Manger.Frankly titled that is the topic of this post.

It is always interesting to me that at Christmas time Jesus’ birth is the center of focus, rather than Jesus Himself!No, all attention is on Baby Jesus:looking at His pictures, reenacting the delivery, singing about drums and donkeys.We do not focus on Jesus, the Ever-living One.He is no longer that cute, harmless infant, representing peace and love, lying in the hay.I am convinced that we celebrate the Baby Jesus, because He is not a threat.In case we have forgotten, the manger is empty, and Jesus is all grown up.
Are we in the Church guilty of pushing Jesus, the King of the Universe, back into the manger, so that we can feel secure and relieved, non-threatened?How is it that we can get everyone to bow at the manger but ignore the Man who is worthy of our worship?The whole world seem eager to bow before the Jesus who is quiet, peaceful, and yes, non-threatening, while the grown up version repulsively demands obedience.
The Baby Jesus does not challenge our culture, but the adult Jesus does.When a man asked Jesus how he could get into heaven, Jesus did not lead him in a simple sinner’s prayer.Instead, He told the man to sell everything and give it to the poor.The real Jesus, who is all grown up, is not so easy to love.He offends common sense and cultural norms.Someone says, “I want to follow you,” and Jesus replies, “I have no place to lay my head.”Another says, “Let me serve you,” and God commands, “Leave your father, home, your people and culture, and go to the land I will show you.” (Gen. 12:1-3)
American Christianity, in exchanging true worship for infant adoration, is in shambles.Our Christianity looks nothing like the book of Acts, and we somehow have no problem with that.It is anemic and weak compared to the apostolic glory days.We have started to rewrite our theology based on our lack of experience, rather than based on scriptures.
The previous is an excerpt from one of my favorite books “Passion for the Heart of God.” By John Zumwalt.
It would be quite inappropriate to celebrate my nieces 10th birthday by giving her a teething ring or a rattle.She will not have any use for those.It is never improper to remember how cute she was as a baby, but it would be terribly unsuitable to celebrate her as though she still was one.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 2:02 PM
Christmas Time
Wow are we close to having Christmas or what? If you said we are close you are right. Though the weather outside doesn't merit thoughts of Christmas-time here, I'm sure back home it probably does. I actually saw some snow here, it was on tv, but it was snow. I did receive a package from home and I opened it early (that's the rule at our house, if it comes in the mail you can open it)
Whoa its big!

So, since it came in mail I was free to open it.

Some good stuff I tell you. Including my stocking.

Yeah I know its hot, but it gets better. They sent me a tree. My very own Christmas tree. I took it out and it looked like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, so I plugged it in. I think it looks dang good. What do you think?

Well pretty exciting I know. I've got a special Christmas post upcoming so stay tuned, you won't want to miss it.
Sunday, December 18, 2005 at 2:54 AM
I'm ever closer to having a life.
I went to the beach today.

Well not this beach, more like Ala Moana Beach Park, a grassy park near the beach. The weather was absolutely perfect today. Joey cooked up some BBQ and there was plenty of rice. We ate and enjoyed the time and crowded around for a game of Cranium.

Muchas fun and great food, the competition wasn't too stiff as Joey, Jusik, and Me dominated. After the game we went swimming for a while came back lounged around ate some more. Jason strummed away on his guitar.

I wondered over and looked at the sailboats.

Then I looked at a tree.

It was now time for the sun to go away for the night and so we left first. Most of the guys headed over to Jason's to play XBOX. On the way up to his place there was a guy standing outside peeing, it was most awesome. We played a golf game where I was unmercifully slaughtered.

I said bye bye and came back home.
Here's a picture I took a while ago I was meaning to post. This guy's rear window was busted out and replaced with this curious sign.

All in all a wonderful day with some wonderful friends. Prepare for a special edition Christmas or Christmas Eve. Bowl season starts on the 20th I'm ready are you?
Friday, December 16, 2005 at 2:38 AM
Alright so its not my birthday b/c that happens like once in a year and today is not my day. However it was a friend-types birthday, or at least birthday party (12DEC b-day). So they were having a get together with some other friend types and mailed out some invitations for a party.

So remembering how boring my life was decided this would be an opportunity to get out of the barracks. So I headed down the road to Ice Palace for some mean ice skating.

However a big huge corporation rented the WHOLE place out (maybe it was just an LLP), so we sat around and enjoyed the time. Lynette and Nora opened presents.
After a while longer of sitting around we decided to go to Dave and Buster's. We met up at Cold Stone first.

Then we walked over to D&B

that's about it, I had a sprite it was pretty good. came back to home and resumed my life.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 at 2:05 AM
Hmm...I start out that way a lot. My mind is lost so this won't be very juicy. My brother enlightned me to a radio broadcast streamed online that is absolutely wonderful almost a year ago. Its called This American Life. I think when I was creating my avatar I had this in mind and came up with thisonelife. As I write this now I am listening to an episode previously broadcast. In fact that is what it is, its previously broadcasted radio program from WBEZ Chicago. Its a weekly program with insightful stories that are thought provoking and sometimes controversial. I think of it like an audio version of Dateline NBC. Host Ira Glass has somewhat of a dry sense of humor which I too may have. He chooses sometimes off the wall subjects and has 3 stories that relate to the topic. In between segments he plays some hokie song. At the end he has a quip of a clip that's humorous. If you are online alot I highly recommend sitting down and listening and searching through these broadcasts. At an hour long maybe only a segment is all you can handle but there is something here for everyone. They have broadcasts going back 10 years. I recommend finding something in 03-05 these shows are well polished and current. When he has other staff on the show its really good, sarcasm and wit is plentiful.
At times it almost seems moral but somewhat liberal at the same time, religious but also secular. I enjoy it nonetheless and I bet you will too. Listen to it!
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