Friday, November 25, 2005 at 11:30 PM
About six months ago I started losing chunks of hair, I thought this was a temporary thing and that it would be replaced in time. The assumptions I had proved to be wrong as my superiors mandate how long our hair can be. One of the firts things that happens at Basic training is you lose your hair. Everyone starts looking the same which is what they want, but I was under the impression I could grow it out to about an inch in length when it was over. Well this happens not to be the case and I recently had the longest hair in the company of 45. I got called names like "hippie" it was very degrading. Here is a picture at it longest.

So with the support of those in charge and the help of a friend I cut my own hair to standard. I used the tool below.

I'm not sure if this is okay but I think it looks dumb anyways.

the next picture is not for the faint of heart.
a former part of me, the damage.

the product.

I think I'll put a Nike Check in it next week.

end. curtis
Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 11:01 PM
I'm not one much for going around arguing political agendas I have my facts and that's that. This however reaches beyond politics and stretches out to a basic human need. The need for clean water and for food to eat. This is an awareness campaign and all I ask of you is to do something. Write a blog about it, mention it to a friend, wear a white wristband, support a child, donate food, donate money, campaign, sign a petition, write a letter to your senator....I dunno but don't stand idly by. Its called

This is a cause in which I believe in. Every 3 seconds a child dies: 30,000 a day. I beg you to sponsor a child through Compassion or World Vision. Join in and wear a white wristband. Watch this promo.

not working click THIS
As for me I plan to wear a white wristband. Midway through college I started sponoring a child through World Vision, even then I could give $30 a month, split it up and do $15 with a friend. That was 2 years ago and I'm still sponsoring.
Visit World Vision HERE
At least sign the ONE campaign declaration.
end post
Monday, November 14, 2005 at 1:45 AM
As you two know I have been in Hawaii since October. The first weekend I was here I walked across the street and down a block to the chapel. The preacher read to a handful of people including myself a simple message. Nothing was spectacular in fact it was very plain maybe lacking. However it was too much for me. The message, the music, the worship, the people...I could not take it all in. I was 2000 miles from home and church and I was lost. I would have to find a new home and new church but this was not it. It was too different too fast.
You two also know I came from a great "college" church. I can't say I am looking for a college church as I am no longer in college. I would like to find a church though with some people my age, people I can relate with, share with, and grow with. It must sound incredibly selfish and I admit it is.
Last week I visited Nuuanu Baptist Church. It was a 30 minute drive downtown. The church was nice, the people were nice. They even have a Chinese service. I was sitting outside waiting for the English service to start when they were singing in Chinese it was, needless to say, beautiful. This week I went to a church much closer to home, it is called Mililani Baptist Church. It was much smaller and I was glad I took a friend this time. It was definitely not what we were looking for. Next week we plan to head farther south into Honolulu in search of a large church in which to worship. I want a church that I love and will be passionate about. A few wednesdays I visited yet another church, its Bible believing with a bit of pentecostalism attached. I had the opportunity to hear a guest pastor the first time I went. Its an option.
Alas I am not a fan of visiting churches I would like to find one quickly, people latch onto you at the churches and its kind of creepy.
Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 6:30 AM

Wow if you're in the mood for an exciting run then I think I've found it. Its called "Mud Run Little Rock's Dirtiest 5K." I saw a link posted on a friends blog because she ran in it this year. It looks absolutely awesome even if you're not the running type.

I don't know about you but if I was around the area I'd try to make it out to this event.
Monday, November 07, 2005 at 7:00 PM

Note: I neither condone or oppose playing poker, especially online. However personally I have no qualms about playing.
I play every now and again and a year ago started playing online. As most new poker fish I was eaten by the sharks. Now a year later I can turn a profit on my playing. Hence I get two valuable things: 1. enjoyment 2. a few extra dollars. This is not always the case as I could play tomorrow and lose $30, but overall I make small gains.
I play at Pacific Poker and they on occasion have promotions, one such promotion is the Poker ShowDown. For this event for every hand that you make it to the "ShowDown" you receive points. The ShowDown is the time when you see what everyone has to decide who wins the pot. Most of the time you fold before the final cards are shown unless you think you will win. Well I decided to participate in this event.
Here's the top ten:
Showdown Survivor 3; November 7, 00:00 - 18:00 PPT
Rank Player Country Points to Lead
1 Curtis TX, United States 0
2 Jose Fe. Mexico 14
3 Donald An. UT, United States 74
4 Benny St. Belgium 86
5 Catalin Ba. Romania 112
6 Gerou El. Belgium 112
7 Mark Ma. NM, United States 124
8 Sam Lo. NY, United States 126
9 Corinne Bu. Canada 128
10 Jim Do. United Kingdom 130
I did finish 1st and won a bonus of $200. Its not much considering I wasted 18 hours pushing buttons but I enjoyed the victory of it nonetheless.
at 11:15 AM

Its long been a fact that government contracts go to the lowest bidder. From weapons manufacturing to buying furniture. The sign across from me is the staircase in case of fire or when the elevator is turned off to punish us. However it has a curious sign on it that is an enigma to me. The sign reads to me like it a shelter for the handicapped. But this is a stairwell, a person in a wheelchair would have a difficult time using the stairs.
Upon closer inspection of the refuge.

that's all
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 at 10:45 AM
Watching movies is definitely a source of enjoyment for many Americans as well as people throughout the world. The past few days I have been able to indulge in many a great tale of heroism and debauchery. Every great while I get the opportunity to be brought to tears through selfless viewing. I become so overwhelmed with emotion that my eyes well up, though rarely will one stream down my face. Two of the movies I watched though brought me to this level of emotion. Maybe I'm an emotional guy, perhaps what I witnessed resonates with many people as well though. I hope for the latter on the basis that I would rather not want to look like a girly man.
I've sat through emotional type movies and not been moved but sometimes your mood as well as surroundings and situations lead up to a wellspring of emotions. These last few days I must have found the well. Things started to click you start to see yourself in the movie, feeling their pain, their frustrations, hurts, loves and sometimes joy. You place the ones you love and care for most in the picture as well. It could be a past event that triggers you or a place where you see yourself headed. You become so entangled with the plot you feel yourself pleading for your life and the ones that you love. Maybe its the parallels you see betwixt the characters portrayed and the struggles in your own life, whatever it is it just happens sometimes and this was one of those times. This is one of the times where you learn about life.
The two movies were relatively similar in their plots of overthrown governments and a now war-torn nation bent on ethnic cleansing. The first I watched wasn't much of a tear jerker but something stirred inside me; an affinity for those who are perishing. The reality that I am safe and free and feel no pain. The fact that I should feel for those who go hungry everyday and those who are spiritually lost, but I don't. This is what hurts the most, the pain I should feel isn't there. As one line went "Yes the Americans will see this and say 'Oh God that's terrible' and go back to eating their dinner." I thought about that a great deal because down the road of life I plan to move overseas and become a missionary. The government would indeed rescue me as an American if ever there was great political turmoil, but could I leave for safety knowing those I love will not see peace. What price would I pay to keep my (future) wife and family safe. I'd most certainly give my life to spare theirs but what would I give for my neighbor or my neighbor's children. I can't say I'd do the right thing, I'd hope I would.
Whatever this may mean to you I suggest you find a just cause and truly believe in it and give of yourself to support it. Two movies worth seeing "The Interpreter" and "Hotel Rwanda." I rented one more movie not worth mentioning and watched the other at the movie in the theatre. They were alright for enjoyment but not worthy to be listed here. August 24th, found this looking for my picture.

Comment and I'll tell you what they were if you are so curious.
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